Friday, 9 March 2012

Review: The Body Shop Banana Shampoo & Conditioner

Hey guys! Been a while since I got down to some "real" blogging but I've planned out some posts for the next week, so you should see some more soon.

Anyway, lets get on to the review! I bought this shampoo and conditioner in October because I was looking for something different. My mum suggested The Body Shop's Banana Shampoo and Conditioner because she said that she used to use it all the time and it made your hair really soft.

I've used this shampoo and conditioner pretty much every time I washed my hair apart from a small spell around Christmas where I was using some different products, so these products last quite a while (I wash my hair every second day and use about a 50 pence sized amount of both each time, just for perspective!).

I know that some people would find the banana scent of the shampoo and conditioner a bit overpowering but I really like sweet, fruity smells. It doesn't scent your hair too much but during the day you get a lovely waft of banana when you swish your hair! I really like the shampoo for its cleansing properties, I know that some shampoos can build up in your hair and weigh it down but this one really cleans your hair, especially at the roots. The conditioner is super moisturising and would be good for dry/damaged hair. Also, the shop assistant mentioned that banana shampoo is meant to be really good for blonde hair so maybe it helped bring out my natural highlights, not that I noticed much difference in my colour.

I'll most likely re-purchse these products in the future because I love the smell but I like to switch-up my shampoo and conditioner just so my hair doesn't get used to it and it stops working.

Look out for more review videos and some FOTDs!

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