Thursday 23 September 2010

Avon Solutions Complete Balance Skincare Review

So, two weeks ago I ordered an entirely new skincare regime from Avon after deciding my mix and match method may not be giving my skin all the care it needs. It seems to make sense to use products that are designed to work together to make your skin look and feel its best. Over the past few weeks I have been putting my new products to the test, taking note of the difference they have made to my skin and whether or not they were a good purchase.
First up, is the Avon Solutions Complete Balance Cleanser. Now I'm used to cleansers being in a sort of fluid milk-like form which you put on a cotton wool pad and use to wipe your make up off. This one is used in the same way as a facial wash, you wet your face, use a small amount of the product and massage over your face, rinsing with warm water. You use this step both morning and night but at night I add in a small step before this.
The warm water is supposed to help loosen any make up you have on but I don't like mascara streaming down my face and staining my skin. So what I do is take off any make up with a make up removing wipe then use the cleanser to remove any foundation or powder.
So, does it work? When applying it to your face there is a certain amount of tingling and it smells a bt like liquorice which was strange at first but after using it a couple of times my skin felt cleaner and frsher. I wouldn't recommend this for sensitive or allery prone skin as the tingling may irritate the skin.
Next is the Avon Solutions Plus Complete Balance Mattifying Toner. Up until now I hadn't really used a toner, not really knowing what benefit it gave to skin. Now I see that it has made such a difference! This step is supposed to be used after cleansing both morning and night.

You soak a cotton wool pad in the toner which has a slightly sharp smell, but don't let that put you off, and you sweep it over your face. I know by this point we've already cleansed but it is amazing how much dirt is still missed!

I didn't see results from the toner immediately after using it but a couple of days later one morning after washing my face I looked in the mirror and I wasn't my usual scrubbed-clean, pasty self. I was clean but my skin was revitalised, I no longer looked tired and my skin had a nice glow. So for me this product is a winner.

And now we go in two different directions as we come to the day and night creams. First up is the day cream. This comes in a little pot which will most likely last me forever because a little seriously goes a long way! This moisturiser is quite a lot heavier than the light fluid moisturisers I'm used to so my first mistake was to put too much on. Let me say if you have very oily skin this is not for you. I put on a little bit extra than was needed and it was like an oil spill! I have learned my lesson and now only use the tiniest amount. It is extremely moisturising which is good because we are heading into the cold, harsh winter which makes my skin so dry and tight.

Although this is a bit too heavy for summer, it does have an SPF 15 for keeping those anti-ageing rays at bay. Overall, I think this is a good product but a little too heavy for oil skin and the warmer weather.

And lastly, is the night cream. Before I bought these products I had only used the one cream for both day and night so I was interested to see what the difference was. Instead of being a normal cream formula, the night cream is more of a gel consistency but I suppose this is because it's like an extra concentrated serum meant to help repair your skin while you sleep. Overall I like the cooling feeling of the cream which can be quite relaxing just before bed. I would recommend this skincare for combination skin as it can be both drying and very moisturising. There are different skincare regimes in the Avon Solutions range for other skin types, just click here for a full list of their products.

Do you have a failsafe skincare regime? Do you have any tips for clear and bright skin?

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