Wednesday 14 September 2011

Got blood?

Just watched the season 4 finale of True Blood......and it was awesome! I will admit right now that I watch waaaay too much tv, I think I have become a victim of this over-visual stimulated world! I will definatley have to calm it down before university starts back in two weeks :( goodbye procrastination!

Anyway, the finale was explosive! If you haven't ever watched this tv series you should definately give it a try. It takes a little while to get used to because it is quite a sexy and violent show as well as being completely insane! The show is set in the small town of Bon Temps, Louisiana where everything is normal until the previously mythical vampires want to integrate into modern society. It is the realisation that vampires walk among human beings that turns this quiet town upside down. As the seasons progress it soon becomes aparent that it's not just vampires that are real.

My favourite characters in the show are baby vamp Jessica Hamby who hasn't quite got used to her new lifestyle and is a little uncomfortable in her new self. I like her effortless, laid back style and make up which is so flattering for pale skintones (yay!). My boyfriend actually bought me one of the Merlotte's waitress t-shirts that they wear in the show so now I can dress up as Jessica for Halloween, all I need is some fangs!

My other favourite character is Terry Bellefleur resident cook in Merlotte's. Although we don't see Terry that often he always delivers the best lines! Most people think he's crazy but beneath that there is some genius :)

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