Wednesday 8 February 2012

Review: Soap and Glory Flake Away Body Scrub

So today I am going to review the Soap and Glory Flake Away Body Scrub, which I got aaages ago! I got this as part of Soap and Glory's huge bag/laundry hamper gift set that I got last year for my birthday and I've still not got even half way through the products! This is probably because all the products I received in this set are either full size or super sized. All these products are part of my "Hitting-pan" challenge so I probably won't have to buy any shower gel, body butter etc until Christmas!

Anyway, onto what this product is actually like! I absolutely loved this scrub. I generally use a scrub every time I'm in the shower because I have bumpy skin on the sides of my arms and on the back of my legs so I like to use a scrub to keep my skin smooth and soft. This is quite a heavy-duty scrub as it is salt based with fruit seeds in it to buff away dead skin cells to reveal clean, revitalised skin. It also has almond oil in it to rehydrate the skin after scrubbing. It smells absolutely delicious, it has the signature Soap and Glory scent except possibly a bit fruitier. This scrub works really well and rinses well, not leaving any scrubby bits on your skin and doesn't leave your slin feeling all dry and tight. In fact, it actually leaves a slight residue on your skin which locks in moisture and makes your skin feel lovely and smooth.

I would totally buy this product again because although it's a bit pricey at £6.64, it is a huge tub of product and you don't have to use too much to get good results so it'll probably last a long time.

Until next time, adios!

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